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Ira Glass In New York, like in lots of cities, you can call 3-1-1 for help with city services, but also for all kinds of other stuff. The most common calls they get are about landlords not heating apartments properly. But they'll also help you get hold of a W-2 form you need from 2009. They'll tell you what streets will be blocked off for a presidential visit, connect you with the gas company, and a stunning array of other things-- 55,000 calls a day.
Victoria Dusini Actually, I had a call today.
Ira Glass This is 311 operator Victoria Dusini.
Victoria Dusini The woman said that her fiance died in their bed, and she was pregnant, and she wanted to identify his DNA in order to get social security benefits. So she wanted to know who to contact.
Ira Glass She got a referral to family court, which can establish paternity, to the Social Security office to find out how to get the benefits, and a legal referral to the New York City Bar Association. Here's 311 operator Angelique Pantoja.
Angelique Pantoja Well, a woman was cleaning her garage and she moved a box, and there was a crocodile. So I had to ask her, like a crocodile, like, big, with-- she's like, yeah, it's going snap, snap at me.
Ira Glass She says that was an easy one, of course-- call Animal Care and Control. But she also helped with this call.